earning commissions

How it works

You follow one of my affiliate links to a website because you see something nice.

You decide to make a purchase on the website I have recommended.

I earn a small commission from the sale at no additional cost to you.

I only ever recommend products and services I’ve used and any reviews of third party products are based solely on my personal opinions and experiences. Please see my Terms and Conditions for more information about third party links.

I will never use affiliate links to scam the system or knowingly promote disreputable websites. I understand how important it is to find high-quality products and services from reliable sources and I aim to promote things that I believe will be useful to you. That said, I have no control over the content of third party websites and it is your personal responsibility to check and verify that their products and services are right for you and your business. Refer to my TOS for more information.

Another reason why I use affiliate programs is because it supports fellow artists, creators and websites. If I can help drive traffic to their products and services, they can continue to make great content for us all to use. Where possible, I will always notify you if a post or page contains affiliate links. This is usually a small notice at the top or bottom of a blog post or page. For example:

In Blog Posts

"This post contains Affiliate Links. This means that I earn a small commission if you purchase through my links, at no additional cost to you. Please read my Affiliate Policy to find out more."

On Web Pages

"This page contains Affiliate Links. This means that I earn a small commission if you purchase through my links, at no additional cost to you. Please read my Affiliate Policy to find out more."

On Social Media

When I can, I will mention affiliates in my captions (though this is not always possible).

If you have any further questions about how I use affiliate links, please get in touch.